動物後肢局部缺血模型(Hind Limb Ischaemia (HLI)
後肢局部缺血管新生(hind limb ischaemia angiogenesis)實驗性模型是測試和定量新穎的療法療效的一個普遍的「黃金準則」工具。在新的血管的形成和發展過程評估血管新生(angiogenesis)的效果著名。 治療方法可以評估"傷口癒合加速"或相反的"減慢或抑制腫瘤的生成"。 使用雷射督普勒掃描儀評估後肢經過外科手術綁紮血管後,血液灌流的影像與血流數據。 專用的軟體能評估區域的局部缺血肢體與非局部缺血的肢體在同一動物上的「再灌流比率"reperfusion ratio"」,不論是短期或是長打數天的評估。 透過雷射督普勒影像血流儀評估血管新生加速或減緩,是最為方便地,非侵入性的,並且完全不需要使用追蹤染料,無耗材。
參考文獻 References
Aicher A., Heeschen C., Sasaki K., Urbich C., Zeiher A. M., Dimmeler S. 2006 Low-energy shock wave for enhancing recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells: a new modality to increase efficacy of cell therapy in chronic hind limb ischemia. Circulation, 114 (25), pp 2823-30
Chalothorn D, Zhang H, Clayton J. A, Thomas S. A, Faber J. E, 2005.Catecholamines augment collateral vessel growth and angiogenesis in hindlimb ischemia. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology Published 1 August 2005 Vol. 289 no. 2, H947-H959.
Crawford R. S., Albadawi H., Atkins M. D., Jones J. E., Yoo H. J., Conrad M. F., Austen Jr W. G., Watkins M. T. 2010 Postischemic poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibition reduces ischemia reperfusion injury in a hind-limb ischemia model. Surgery, 148 (1), pp 110 - 118
Tritsaris K., Myren M., Ditlev S. B., Hübschmann M. V., van der Blom I., Hansen A. J., Olsen U. B., Cao R. , Zhang J., Jia T., Wahlberg E., Dissing S., Cao Y. 2007 L-20 is an arteriogenic cytokine that remodels collateral networks and improves functions of ischemic hind limbs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.104 (39), pp 15364-9
Turgeon J., Dussault S., Haddad P., Groleau J., Ménard C, Michaud S. E., Maingrette F., Rivard A. 2010 Probucol and antioxidant vitamins rescue ischemia-induced neovascularization ………. exposed to cigarette smoke: Potential role of endothelial progenitor cells. Atherosclerosis 208, spp 342–349
Aicher A., Heeschen C., Sasaki K., Urbich C., Zeiher A. M., Dimmeler S. 2006 Low-energy shock wave for enhancing recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells: a new modality to increase efficacy of cell therapy in chronic hind limb ischemia. Circulation, 114 (25), pp 2823-30
Chalothorn D, Zhang H, Clayton J. A, Thomas S. A, Faber J. E, 2005.Catecholamines augment collateral vessel growth and angiogenesis in hindlimb ischemia. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology Published 1 August 2005 Vol. 289 no. 2, H947-H959.
Crawford R. S., Albadawi H., Atkins M. D., Jones J. E., Yoo H. J., Conrad M. F., Austen Jr W. G., Watkins M. T. 2010 Postischemic poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibition reduces ischemia reperfusion injury in a hind-limb ischemia model. Surgery, 148 (1), pp 110 - 118
Tritsaris K., Myren M., Ditlev S. B., Hübschmann M. V., van der Blom I., Hansen A. J., Olsen U. B., Cao R. , Zhang J., Jia T., Wahlberg E., Dissing S., Cao Y. 2007 L-20 is an arteriogenic cytokine that remodels collateral networks and improves functions of ischemic hind limbs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.104 (39), pp 15364-9
Turgeon J., Dussault S., Haddad P., Groleau J., Ménard C, Michaud S. E., Maingrette F., Rivard A. 2010 Probucol and antioxidant vitamins rescue ischemia-induced neovascularization ………. exposed to cigarette smoke: Potential role of endothelial progenitor cells. Atherosclerosis 208, spp 342–349
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